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Doodle Fireweed - Fine Art Print


God is truly an amazing artist. When these flowers are in bloom, the Alaskan hills just burst with color. Riding a horse through a hillside of these beauties makes you feel like you're flying over a pink sunrise.


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Felicity Rae Jones is a self-taught artist born and raised in Homer Alaska. 

She lives on her families homestead where she creates art almost every day. For her, art is an outpouring of the heart, and as her feelings splash into her creations, she strives for it to always reflect her wonder and amazement of God’s love. 


Each fine art print is created by the artist herself.


By doing this, she is able to oversee every step of the printing process to grantee that each piece is nothing but the best. This particular print is made with acid free paper with a lustrous satin finish and archival ink.


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If you have any questions for the artist, feel free to email her!




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