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Courage (Bison Skull) - Fine Art Print

I have seen bison. Even when they are standing alone they are an imposing sight. It would have taken great courage to hunt a herd of them with a mere bow and arrow.

This bison's skull has many depictions in it. A tangle of story and images from the old west. On the left is a silver Texas star holding on a thick bundle of feathers. There are crows feathers and jay feathers, and one eagle feather with its barbs notched. This buffalo stuck five blows against his hunters. 


Printed on lustrous archival paper, this fine art print will be a treasure to hold for years to come. Its luxurious satin finish gives the art a pop that makes the blacks deep and the colors vivid. 

Each print is created in FJ Creations Studio by Felicity Rae Jones herself and are official Made In Alaska products.


Felicity Rae Jones is a self-taught artist born and raised in Homer Alaska. 

She lives on her families homestead where she creates art almost every day. For her, art is an outpouring of the heart, and as her feelings splash into her creations, she strives for it to always reflect her wonder and amazement of God’s love.


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